Free Android Spy Apps For Cheating Spouse in 2021


Is your spouse acting weird recently? That can be a concern for you and you have every right to feel that he might be cheating on you.

Cheating is not only physical but also it can be psychological sometimes. A study from Newyork times stated that 50% of partners in the USA cheats if we consider emotional cheating as a cheating method. Therefore, if you think you are one of them that is not unnatural.

So, if you have some signs of infidelity in your spouse’s activity then how do you proceed? This is one of those situations you can not talk to your friends, parents, or children. What if they think you are overthinking the whole thing?

You can talk to your partner but we all know how that ends. Without any proof only talking never works. And there is only one option left for you to catch him and that is tracking his phone. Should you track his phone?

Though the simple answer that everyone will give is a “NO”.But, a serious situation demands serious measures and you are in a serious situation. So, take control of the situation by investigating. And this is the only process to clear your doubt.  

Best Android Spy Apps to Bust a Cheating Partner

Before choosing a spy apps you have to consider 2 things. One, the app must be undetectable and able to track all the activity without accessing the phone. Here is our list which contains these qualities:

Spouseware: Cheating Partner’s Horror  

Spouseware is the most popular app for catching a cheating partner and the app helped countless families from breaking apart or regenerate their faith in their spouses.

Spousewara can track any phone from any brand. Whether it is iPhone or Android, spouseware can penetrate the system and send all the information you need to catch a cheating partner.

Why Spousware is the best app to catch a cheating spouse?

No Need to touch your spouse’s phone

You do not need to access the device you are targeting to monitor. You can watch all the activities remotely without touching your parnters phone if you are using spouseware.


Many spy app gives you a web-based platform to watch over your partner where some other provides their app to do so. But spouseware gives you both.

You can install software on your PC to monitor your spouse’s activity or you can do that by simply logging into their system.  

No Root

For many other spy apps rooting the phone is a mandatory step to work but not with spouseware. You do not have to root your partner’s phone to gain control.

Data security

Your data is secured with spouseware. They have a standard technical agreement with their assistance to secure you and your spouse’s data so that they do not fall into wrong hands.

Spy without Being Caught

Doesn’t matter which spy app you are using you have to install the app on your spouse’s phone. If you are thinking that what if my spouse sees that app and ask me if I know anything about that.

Do not worry, spyware got that covered for you. your partner won’t see the app as Spouseware runs from behind the scene. Therefore, the app will remain unnoticed and your spouse won’t have a clue to be suspicious.

Spouseawre installs instantaneously into the target’s phone and doesn’t give any notification. Only you can see the app with a secret key. After you are certain about your partner you can uninstall the app from web platform remotely. As a result, the spying activity and the person who committed that will remain unknown.   

What Can you do with spouseware?

Spouseaware comes with more than 30 features to watch over your partner. Here is the list of top spying tool that you can use:

Spy on your spouse’s social media

Nobody can hide anything from social media. If your partner is cheating then you will find traces in his social media activities.

With Spouseware you will be able to track all of his social media activities like Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp chat records. Besides, you can find the deleted records from their social media.

Android Keylogger

This is a amazing tool that comes with spouseware. A keylogger is a piece of program that can store all the keystrokes of the target phone. So, getting the username, password and browser searches everything is open to you.

Call Tracker

THis phone will certainly catch your spouse if he is cheating on you. Maybe he was giving you many excuses when you ask him why his phone is very busy these days. Now, you can see that yourself.

Spouseware will show you all the call records and you will be listening to every call your spouse is making or getting. And that is not all, you can record them also to show it to him in case he denies it.

Location Tracker

 With the GPS tracker, you can see where your partner is going and how long he is staying in one place.

Take control of the camera

If the GPS tracking is not satisfying you then you can see the surroundings using your spouse’s phone. Spouseware takes control of the target’s phone camera and records everything.

Send a Message from your spouse’s phone

This option can be handy if you want to take the control of the situation face-to-face. You can send a message using your spouse’s number and he won’t know anything about it.

Other Free Android Spy Apps for Cheating Spouse

You will find some free spy apps in the play store. But most of them are only GPS tracking app and are used to track the phone when the phone is lost. If you want to track your spouse then he will know that because the app will ask for his permission.

That’s why free android spy apps to catcha cheating spouse is not so handy. Try Spouseware the best android spy apps to catch a cheating partner and watch over your spouse without being noticed and without touching the phone.
