Expert Cell Phone Advice Straight From The Pros

A cell phone can be a very useful device, but there is a lot more to these handheld wonders than just making phone calls. Once you know how, you can do a lot with your cell phone. No matter what you need to do, the following advice can be very useful. Don't feel the need to spend the additional money on a cell phone screen protector. Today's cell phones are made from scratch resistant glass. This glass is so strong that even keys won't scratch it when they are next to a phone in your pocket. That screen protector is likely wasted money. If you must call information via a cell phone, note that you can call without big fees. You should try to dial 1-800-411-FREE. You can access the information you're seeking after an advertisement. Consider doing a little negotiation on the cell phone price. Yes, you can negotiate in most cell phone stores. And it sometimes even works! It may not be for cost savings either. You could try and negotiate a free case with the purchase of the new cell phone. You don't know until you try. Haggle a bit when shopping for your next phone. You generally wouldn't expect haggling to work in a retail setting, but it is often effective in the case of buying a new cell phone. Try it for yourself. It can't hurt, and people often get between 50 and 100 dollars knocked off the price. Watch your battery power usage. Watching movies and videos drain your battery very quickly. So does listening to music. If you want to do these things with your phone, make certain that you have an unlimited data plan and always keep a charger nearby. This helps to ensure that you do not lose service. If you have a smartphone it can be tempting to leave it on all of the time so you never miss any social media updates. This is not a good idea because your phone needs to be restarted every day or two. This will keep unused programs from continuing to purge your memory. Make sure that you lock your phone when you put it in your pocket. This is important as you do not want your body to press any keys or call someone when you are not intending to. Usually, you can find the lock screen feature in the general section of your phone's settings. Don't invest in the most expensive cell phone available on the market. There are plenty of great phones for half the price of a more expensive one. When you purchase overpriced phones, you are generally paying for the level of popularity they have and the brand name. More affordable phones can be just as great, but perhaps not as popular as an iPhone. Keep your phone close to a signal. Burying your phone in a purse or desk drawer can impact the signal strength. When the phone works harder to gain a strong signal, your battery life will drop. Keep the phone in a place where it can easily reach signal and you will keep your battery up. You can play games on the phone to make the day go by a little faster. These phones provide high quality graphics, so it really is possible to have a great gaming experience. However, too much gaming could cause issues for your memory, so be careful. Audit your cell phone plan for a few months to make sure you have the right one for you. If it looks likely you're almost always going over your data limit or talking minutes, then you likely need to upgrade. If you're constantly well under your limits, you may be better off saving some money with a lesser plan. Make sure your plan is the right one for you. There are many, many plans when it comes to cell phones and it is important that you get the one that best fits your needs. For instance, if you text a lot, make sure your plan covers this or you could be left paying a lot of overage. Poor reception and searching for signals will deplete your cell phone's battery quicker than you may think. Leaving your cell phone on during long flights is a sure way to not have battery power when you land. Subways and rural locations will also tax your cell phone's battery. Turn your phone off in these situations to save power. If you wish to see a video on your cellphone, you should use Wi-Fi instead of data. Videos are very heavy data users and can consume all of the data allowance quickly. You should keep this to a minimum, unless you have unlimited data. If you own a smartphone, reboot it once in a while. Smartphones are in fact tiny computers and function a lot more efficiently when they have an occasional shut down and restart. This is even more true if you use a lot of apps or do a lot of Internet surfing. Always be prepared to switch your old smartphone out for a new one. Operating systems and apps are constantly updated on your phone. This usually keeps it up and running with the newest updates. However, your old phone can become obsolete after some time as the memory becomes full and its old capabilities can no longer handle the new updates. Having a cell phone is virtually a necessity in today's connected, always-on world. If you don't have your cell phone, you may feel cut off from all of your friends and family. With the tips and tricks you have just read, you can make sure that you are always connected to the people you love.
