Getting A Grip On Technology: A Guide To Cell Phones

We all need to understand cell phones better today. The fact is that we need them for work, play and to stay in touch with our family. At this point in time, you can never be out of communication. To learn all about cell phones, check out the expert advice in this article. When you are in the market for a cell phone, be sure to shop different providers for the best prices. Many providers offer the exact same phones for great deals if you are willing to sign a contract. Just make sure to also check out the attached plans, because sometimes saving on the phone isn't worth it if the plan will be more expensive in the end. Try not to accept updates that are over the air or apps that will take a lot of memory from your phone. This will decrease its performance in the long run and reduce the processing power that it has. Make sure that you only add what you need on your phone to conserve memory. Beware of extended warranties. These costs that are additional just cost you money and nothing else. If a cell phone is going to fail, it typically happens in the first year which is normally covered by the basic warranty. Additionally, you may want to upgrade your phone before the extended warranty even runs out. If you have a smart phone, it is a good idea to turn it completely off every few days. It only takes a few minutes to power it down and then turn it back on. This will help clear your memory of unneeded data and make your phone run more optimally. If you have a smartphone it can be tempting to leave it on all of the time so you never miss any social media updates. This is not a good idea because your phone needs to be restarted every day or two. This will keep unused programs from continuing to purge your memory. Know the cell phone laws in your state when it comes to driving. In many states, it's illegal to text on a cell phone and drive. Even if it's technically legal in your state, it's still not a good idea. Many accidents occur due to text messaging. If you must communicate, call using a hands-free device or pull off the road to text. If your sole purpose for getting a phone is for talking, you do not need a smartphone. Many people own a smartphone, but they tend to use it for going online or checking emails. If you don't plan on using your phone for these purposes, you can save a lot of money by opting for a non-smart phone. Think about how you plan to use a cell phone. Do you plan to only use it for calling and emergencies? Then a simple feature phone will work for you? Do you want to use it to look up stores and restaurant reviews, then you're going to need a smart phone. Knowing your use patterns will help you decide. Stay fit and in shape by using the timer and stopwatch on your phone. This feature usually shows your time to the hundredth, which will give you a quality reading on how fast or slow you ran a lap. There are usually archives that you can store your recent finishes in, which can give you a great basis for comparison. Make the time for learning about the apps that came on your phone. They can help you stream music and get on the Internet. It's likely you'll also have a calendar. You will get more for your money if you know how to use these various programs. Clean up the music that you do not want on your phone, as this will save a lot of memory. If you use iTunes, you can do this by going to your computer and deleting them from your music library. When you connect your phone, it will Sync up and delete the unneeded songs. Try using GrandCentral to avoid missing crucial calls on your cell phone. You can use this free service no matter what your location is. It allows you to maintain a maximum of six lines and to have them all ring simultaneously. It also has additional features like voice mail, Gmail, SMS access, and much more. Protect your phone. Repairs can be very costly, as can replacements. Prevent scratches with a solid screen protector. You should also get a case for it so you can keep it safe. Your phone probably has a calender app; learn how it works. You could schedule meetings and appointments with it. You can have the phone alert you before the event so that you are always prepared. This will save you time and make you keep your schedule. Want to really save some money on your cell phone? Consider prepaid cellular options. These are phones where you buy your data and minutes up front. No contracts and no ongoing bills. You only pay for what you use and that's it. This is an excellent option if you see you've got lots of extra minutes and data every month. Even the President of the United States has admitted his reliance on his cell phone. While he can pay others to know all about the device on his behalf, your job is to learn all you can. When you understand what your cell phone can do for you, you can make it happen.
